Case Study

Digital Marketing

Decker framer template

When Deckker, the new kid on the block in AI-driven website templates, slid into our DMs, we knew we were in for a wild ride. Here was a free SaaS tool promising to turn AI startups' websites from snooze-fests into conversion machines faster than you can say "machine learning." Our mission? To make Deckker the hottest thing in AI circles since GPT-3 learned to write poetry.

Conversion Rate



Time to 1000 Users

1 week

Time to 1000 Users

1 week

User Retention


User Retention


The AI-Powered Makeover: How We Turned Geek Speak into Growth

Deckker had all the right components: slick AI-driven design, a price tag that made accountants weep with joy (read: free), and templates so smart they practically coded themselves. But in the crowded SaaS market, they were about as visible as a stealth drone on a moonless night. It was time for PRISM to crank up the visibility to 11.

Strategy: Algorithms Meet Attitude

We cooked up a multi-pronged approach to launch Deckker into the AI stratosphere:

  1. Meme-Driven Marketing: We unleashed a torrent of AI-themed memes that spread faster than a viral TikTok dance.

  2. AI Influencer Invasion: We partnered with AI thought leaders for live template customization battles, turning boring demos into must-watch events.

  3. The "AI-mazing Challenge": We launched a contest for the most creative use of Deckker, with winners featured on AI industry podcasts.

  4. Conversion Confessionals: We created a video series where AI startups shared their "before and after" stories, complete with tear-jerking ROI revelations.

Results: From Zero to AI Hero

Our campaign turned Deckker from an unknown entity to the darling of the AI startup scene:

  • User signups exploded from a trickle to a tsunami of 1000+ in just two weeks.

  • The "AI-mazing Challenge" entries crashed our servers (twice!) due to overwhelming participation.

  • Deckker templates started popping up on AI company websites faster than you could say "neural network."

The Secret Sauce: AI Meets Human Ingenuity

By blending PRISM's knack for viral content with Deckker's AI-powered design prowess, we created a marketing symphony that the tech world couldn't ignore. We didn't just increase visibility; we started a conversion revolution in the AI startup community.

The Deckker case proves that with the right marketing strategy, even a free tool can become the must-have resource for an entire industry. By amplifying Deckker's unique value proposition and injecting some much-needed personality into the world of AI design, PRISM transformed a newcomer into the toast of Tech Twitter.

  • Deckker SaaS Framer template
  • Deckker SaaS Framer template
  • Deckker SaaS Framer template
  • Deckker SaaS Framer template
  • Deckker SaaS Framer template
  • Deckker SaaS Framer template
  • Deckker SaaS Framer template
  • Deckker SaaS Framer template
  • Deckker SaaS Framer template
  • Deckker SaaS Framer template
  • Deckker SaaS Framer template
  • Deckker SaaS Framer template
  • Deckker SaaS Framer template
  • Deckker SaaS Framer template
  • Deckker SaaS Framer template

Ready to deck out your marketing strategy with some AI-powered pizzazz? Let PRISM compute the perfect formula for your success. After all, in the world of AI, if you're not converting, you're just taking up server space.

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PRISM is a full-service marketing agency that turns attention into profit.

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